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Thank you so much for love, concern and prayers on their behalf.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Time Keeps Ticking...Ticking...Ticking Away

Therapy went really well today. For occupational, Mark played the Wii video game Big Brain Academy. They were tasks that require certain brain functions. It was really interesting to watch. The first round through he didn't do so well. But the second round was much better. Then we tried to have him work with a bus schedule answering certain questions, and this was quite the challenge for him. Not only was his brain tired from the video game, there may have been too much information on the page for him to sort through and make sense of. Hard for me to watch him struggle with a simple task such as that. But I am so grateful for the great progress he's made.

Speech therapy went well today, too. There was only one eye-rolling incident. He even said when we got out to the car that today wasn't nearly as bad as yesterday. Here's to hoping tomorrow is even better than today.

We were laughing and joking with each other on the way to the hospital. He made me laugh out loud. It's been too long. Too long. It felt really good. Then this afternoon he was talking about how he missed Christmas morning with his girls. He wanted to know all about it and if they were sad that he wasn't there. Then he said the thing that I have said all along he was going to say: "I'm most upset by how this has affected you and the girls. Your hearts have been broken, tears have been shed, time has been taken away from us. Time and events that we can never get back."

There was a waiver hearing today. New defense counsel had to be assigned as there was a "conflict of interest with the current defense attorney in regards to one of the witnesses". There will be another waiver hearing on February 2nd. I hope some of Mark's memory about the incident has returned by then. Not likely, but I can hope. And I REALLY hope some of it has returned by the time we go to trial. Extremely frustrating process. But the longer it takes the more chance we have that he might remember something. It will be difficult for me to do this if Mark can't give his side of the story. Seems so unfair and imbalanced. Even more unfair than the awful situation already is. We did not attend the hearing but had some eyes and ears there for us. Mark just wasn't ready to go. It may have been too painful for him to face those that hurt him and his family so badly, especially when they are his OWN family. Maybe next time. Maybe not.


  1. I don't know you and I can only imagine the pain you've been through, and am overjoyed to see Mark's miraculous recovery. I don't know anyone involved on either side of this, and I also don't know all the circumstances about the fight in which Mark was injured, but I think you should consider dropping the charges against Mark's brother. Despite the way this has shaken up your family, a legal battle between two brothers, word-against-word, with different members taking opposing sides, has a strong chance of permanently destroying your extended family, especially if the press picks up the story. Please try to see past your pain and your justified desire for swift justice, and consider the effects this will have on your family over the next 20, 30, 50 years or more.
    Whichever way you decide, I wish you and Mark nothing but the best, and will continue to keep you and your entire family in my prayers.

  2. i can only say what i think... without being to offensive.... i think the anonymous writer should keep his/hers comments to themselves.. this is obviously a very sensitive matter to the family of the davis's and its only there decision to make in the matter of filing charges.. keep those comments to yourself...
    scarlet and mark i hope i didn't offended you by posting my comment. scarlet you are a incredible woman, and i strive to be more like you...oxox

  3. I am so glad that you are having moments of normalcy with Mark! That will give you the strength to endure as you continue with this journey. Know that I love you all and that your family are in my thoughts and prayers everyday. If I could comment on the Anonymous comments.... Only you can prayerfully decide how to handle this situation. Please know that you have support from a lot of people and they will support and love you no matter what! Keep the faith my friend! Please let me know if I can help you in anyway!

  4. Seriously Anonymous... WTF? Are you kidding me? I understand how 'you' could believe this world could be a better place if everyone just dropped the charges whenever anyone did something as malicious as this, we could all enjoy being chummy with unpredictably violent people. The only reason I can understand your position, is due to the obvious fact that god did not deem it necessary to overburden you with an overabundance of intelligence. Maybe the next time you feel you should open your mouth, save the rest of us, and don't. It is a shame your mother did not get an abortion and deepen the gene pool for the rest of us... Chuck should burn for what he took!
