Please Help

A fund has been set up through Paypal for Mark, Scarlet and the girls.

Go to Login to your Paypal account, or just click on the send money tab. You don't have to have a Paypal account to donate.

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Thank you so much for love, concern and prayers on their behalf.

Friday, January 14, 2011

It's Finally Friday

I can't even tell you how nice it was to NOT have to go to Provo today. For anything! The girls were even out of school, so we got to spend a fun day at home together. I was caking, girls were Wii-ing, Mark was lounging. Good solid day.

Having said that, there isn't much to report on today. But I promised I wouldn't miss another I'm not.

Mark did express to me today his frustration with his blind eye. He's afraid he won't ever be able to drive again, or be an electrician again, or ride his dirt bike again (which I won't let him EVER do again). But I told him the same thing I've told him from day 1...if that's the worst thing to come from all of this, then so be it. We can live with it.

I left him for the first time today. I had to go to the bank and he was bound and determined to stay home with the girls. I gave Olivia strict instructions to stay right with him. Not that she could have really done anything, but she was my eyes and ears. I was gone a little longer than I said I would be and he was kind of freaking out. Know why? He is worried that his brother is going to "get to me". That hurt my heart a little. hurt it a lot. He's afraid for the safety of his family. That's really sad. Especially from a family member. I'm grateful for our justice system. It's not perfect...but it's the best one there is. And though this brother is not in jail at the time, he will be tried and hopefully be able to be accountable for his actions. In the mean time I have to reassure my sweet husband that I'll be okay. Just sad.

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