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Thank you so much for love, concern and prayers on their behalf.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Taking Care of Business

Last night I was a broken, wounded woman. I had a complete meltdown from the cross I'm asked to carry. It was a dark moment in my life.

But soon after that I made some decisions that lightened my load. I went to sleep with a calmer heart and mind. Then I got up this morning and took charge of some personal things. I didn't get to the hospital until 2:00, but had to get some things done. When I got there the neurology tech was just starting the EEG. Mark was sleepy so they needed to get it done while he was being still. When I finally went in he was all smiles and happy to see me. Doug & Tanya came by and he was performing for them. They wondered why he was even in the hospital. He'd returned to himself. His sitter said he'd been up & down all day, they'd taken a few laps around the 4th floor. He was DEFINITELY much better than yesterday.

When I left my house it was in a flurry of people packing the remainder of my belongings. I hesitated to leave, but left my mom in charge and knew they were in capable hands. Around 5:00 she called and said the first load was going to the storage unit. What?? She said 10 men showed up at 4:00 and they were gittin' it done. Then another 10 showed up after 5:00 and it really started moving (pardon the pun). Most everything we own is now boxed, stored or in transit. I am in absolute awe of the service being performed on my behalf. The entire ward got involved. The High Priests were taking down beds, the Elders were moving furniture, the YM were stripping wire and the YW made valentines cookies and delivered them to the help. WOW! I am truly humbled by the love of our ward for us. I am a stubborn, independent woman that can do for myself. I would have NEVER been able to do THIS by myself. Mark says, "Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking care of my family."

I even heard the guys that were stripping wire in the garage weren't leaving until it was all finished. And THEN my neighbor can get a better price for copper so he's going to take it in for me and get me a check. In the words of Tony Tiger this is not just's GRRRREAT!! Thank you, Kyley. And can I just say that I have the best VT's ever? They got assigned to me a couple of weeks ago and here they are tirelessly working hard to get me packed. That is being on the errand of angels. Thank you Janece and Monique. And I can't forget my crazy friends Andrea & Tricia. It's so fun it almost doesn't seem line work. Mark probably won't remember it, but it will be etched into my heart forever. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!! And thank you, Andrea, for handling the kids. I know it was better for all parties involved. You rock! Until tomorrow when it all starts over again. Hopefully with an even better ending.

1 comment:

  1. And I did nothing! Sorry!!!!! I'm so glad you sounded so much better last night. You are going to make it through this somehow. Love you guys!
