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A fund has been set up through Paypal for Mark, Scarlet and the girls.

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Thank you so much for love, concern and prayers on their behalf.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

He's A Super-sneak, Super-sneak, He's Super-sneaky, Yow

Mark had a quiet day. Both of his speech therapies went very well. The doctor would put down four pictures of items and then give him a card with a word on it, and he had to read the word and match it to the picture. I was amazed at what he could do. He even phoenetically sounded out "potato". He didn't get them all, but at least 80%. I was beaming!

He likes to play hide-and-seek with some of his pills. If he doesn't think he needs them, he fakes taking them and slips them into his pockets. Then he tries to take them later. Part of the reason he had a quiet day is because he didn't take one of his brain stimulators. I had to coax it out of his mouth later because he had already taken one and it was too soon to have another. We really have to watch him and do a "cavity" search of his mouth to ensure they went down. I still think he tricked them with that at least once.

When I got to the hospital the first thing he said to me was, "I remember last night that you were crying. I feel so bad about that." My husband is making new memories!!!! That is a huge step to his recovery and being able to come home. We're still a long way from him being "safe" to come home, but it's a start!

We met with the neuro-psych doctors to go over his condition and talk about where he is and what is to come. They didn't really tell us anything we didn't already know, except the following. I inform you of this as a concerned wife who wants the best recovery possible for my husband.

You and I don't really notice the clock ticking, the furnace kicking on and off or blowing air, the hum of the lights, the television or radio, or even the brightess of the lights. We are able to filter those things out and focus on a task at hand, such as a conversation, tv show, or cleaning the house. Mark's brain is unable to filter out this excess information right now. All of these things would be stimuli for his brain that would put him into overload. While he's recovering there has to be a minimum of stimuli. Mark is in therapies most of the day, and between therapies he needs to rest both physically and mentally. In the evening he is tired and restless. If you'd like to come visit with Mark, please call me first to schedule a good time. His visiting hours are between 4:00 and 6:00, and 6:30 to 8:00. There are to be no more than 2 visitors at a time, visits should be brief, and keep the conversation to a minimum. Cell phones should be turned off.

I know you are all concerned about Mark and our family and wish him the best. We are so grateful for your love and support. The doctors have ordered these changes because it's what's best for Mark. He has so many that love him and want to give him well wishes that it's becoming overwhelming for him. Please understand that this is for HIS recovery! We love you all.


  1. You are in my thoughts and prayers constantly. Miracle Mark is doing very well and we are so happy for you. Keep the faith, my friend! Love you! Collette

  2. Sounds like very wise, sound advice. Hopefully all will heed it...
    Love, love, love you. We'll probably be down that way next week sometime, I'll let you know and maybe you and I can visit in a waiting room at least!
    Merry Christmas-though it is not an ideal Christmas for you, how blessed we are to have the knowledge of our Savior and the miracles he STILL DOES perform.
    Love you!
