Please Help

A fund has been set up through Paypal for Mark, Scarlet and the girls.

Go to Login to your Paypal account, or just click on the send money tab. You don't have to have a Paypal account to donate.

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If you have any questions or don't want to donate by Paypal, please email us at

Thank you so much for love, concern and prayers on their behalf.

Friday, December 24, 2010

All I Want For Christmas Is....

Challenging day...for all of the Davis family.

You can't quite grasp how heavy my heart is. The tender words spoken to me by my husband tear at my heartstrings. I want only for our family to be whole again. It is coming...but oh so slowly. If ever I needed your prayers, it's today.


  1. Miss Scarlet and family.... I'm so sorry that you must endure this trial and that your sweet girls must endure it as well. May the love of our Savior and Heavenly Father shine down on you and embrace you as you and your family struggle. We love you and pray for you each day. I'll send more good thoughts and prayers your way for a few weeks. Keep the faith! It will come and you will whole again! Love you! Collette

  2. It breaks my heart to know of your suffering, to understand the difficult nature of looking into your loved ones eyes and discussing difficult, difficult things. You ARE suceeding Scarlet, every day you are acheiving goals and continue to be a rock for your girls and for Mark. You can do this Scarlet. This situation was not of your making and is in un-chartered waters, yet you still press on. What courage and determination this shows. You are a good woman, wife and mother. No matter how 'helpless' you may feel at times, know this, you are not failing. As always, y'all keep working, we'll keep praying.
