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Thank you so much for love, concern and prayers on their behalf.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Truth Hurts

It has been a difficult day for me. I guess it's time for a breakdown.

Mark had his testing with the new doctor this morning. The doctor told us there is a connection between the temporal lobe and the frontal lobe. Mark's injuries were only milimeters from that connection. Had this connection been severed Mark would not be able to speak at all, among other problems. He showed us how the brain had been shifted from the midline due to the massive epidural blood clot on the right side. I learned that the brain is covered with a layer of sinew-type tissue called the dura. The dura has blood vessels, as well as the bone. There was bleeding from the dura and the bone that created this blod clot, that sat between the bone and the dura. Once the clot from the right side had been removed, the pressure on the left side had been relieved causing the bleeding to resume on the left side. This bleeding was actually occuring in the brain. I posted before about the brain tissue having been removed. I can't believe the size of the hole in Mark's brain. I can't believe my husband has survived such devastation.

We got good news and bad news about his tests. Good news is that the right side of his brain is functioning almost perfectly. According to the tests that were administered, Mark's visual memory and comprehension are in tact. The bad news is that he's functioning below the 5th percentile on his left side. I was surprised it was this low. I thought it might be higher since he can speak and communicate to a certain extent. Audiologically Mark suffers a great deal. He has great difficulty understanding verbal communication. He has great difficulty producing the words he needs. We have a long road ahead of us.

After leaving the doctor's office, I was overcome with gratitude, again, for such a blessing in our lives. This doctor will be able to help us in ways that no one else can. I know he is one of the Lord's ministering angels. Throughout the day I pondered on everything we've been through so far, and what labors we will be asked to perform from now on. I'm tired. I'm angry. I'm sad. I'm hurt. I'm spent. I'm overwhelmed.

But life doesn't goes on.

Blessing of the Day: reality

p.s. Formal arraignment was yesterday and the trial date has been set for October 3rd, 4th, and 6th. Read about it here:

1 comment:

  1. I came to your blog from a post from one of your friends(Tiffany) I am so sorry that you are going through all of this. My heart aches for you and your family. I will certainly pray for each of you. What date is the newspaper article? I could not link it from your blog.
    Ellen Lunt
