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Thank you so much for love, concern and prayers on their behalf.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Mind May Forget, But The Heart Always Knows The Truth

Mark did really well testifying at the hearing. He was nervous, but handled himself well. The neurosurgeon testified and even I learned some things. It was emotional for me to listen to his very descriptive testimony of the surgery. I've read the OR reports so it wasn't that I was shocked by the description. It just took me back to those long, dark hours of December 1st and 2nd, and back to the reality that I almost lost my husband in a senseless, brutal attack. Dr. Gaufin said again, "Most people with these similar injuries die. I didn't expect him to survive the surgery." He talked about the 3 surgeries and that he finally finished early in the morning on the 2nd of December. I closed my eyes for a second and relived the moment when Dr. Gaufin walked out of the OR at 7:30 a.m. with a huge smile on his face. My heart was full with gratitude for this very special man that saved my husband's life.

My happy heart didn't stay that way for very long. While Mark was testifying and struggling to understand some of the questions he was being asked, people in the courtroom were laughing. Laughing at his obvious deficits and talking to each other as if they were at a social gathering instead of a very serious, formal proceeding. It's hard for me to comprehend how some people can be so callous and heartless. It says a lot about their character, or lack thereof.

But I had the opportunity to be happy again as the judge gave her synopsis of the evidence brought before her. There will be an arrainment on the 25th when the trial date will be set. I'm sure it won't be until early Fall. My friend described this whole process like being on a merry-go-round that we can't ever get off of. We look forward to having closure and getting this all behind us. We have already moved on to some degree. It will just be the final chapter finished.

Blessing of the Day: truth

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